Monday, March 31, 2014


My reaction to noticing this artist and realizing she graduated with a BA from Swarthmore, PA.
That's so close to where I am!
Right outside of Philly.

Her name is Njideka Akunyili.
Not only are her mixed-media paintings beautiful, they combine realistic portraiture with abstract expressionism. My whole explanation, except far more intricate and established.
First painting to catch my eye:
Charcoal, acrylic, colored pencil, lace, collage, and xerox transfers on paper
7 ft x 7 ft

You know what it's an image of, yet she still leaves you searching for it.
Her color palette is vibrant yet subdued, creating a visual, chaotic relaxation.
She's had several shows in London, UK and New York, NY. She's been in several residencies, also something I admire and wish to experience soon in life.
But what wows me the most is how boldly she flaunts her interracial marriage to her husband.

Now THAT is a strong human being.

I will be that bold.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I am one of those people that uses exclamations often.
I feel it helps me express my already extreme feelings about something.
So when I stepped back from my painting and exclaimed,
I was more than pleased.
What a day.
What a feeling.
What a cheeseball.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Bon Appétit

A new restaurant is opening in New Jersey called Kitchen 519, and I am the lucky artist that gets to show her artwork on the walls when they first open their doors to the public.
They won't open for another week or so,
In which there will be more pictures.
But for now, here's some sneak peaks.

Matched perfectly!
That's how good I am.
No, but really, they look great.
Can't wait til all of them are up.
Especially my mylar drawing!

Monday, March 17, 2014


I like to start my paintings by finger painting.
And using objects to spread the color.

Today, I'm starting with yellow. To bring the sunshine back into my world.

Friday, March 14, 2014


An obsession:

A domination of thoughts by a persistent _____
(image, idea, desire, feeling, etc.)

An impulse that continually forces its way into consciousness

An action of anything which engrosses the mind

A possession...without the spirit actually inhabiting the body

An insane burning or longing for someone or something

A dedication.

It is often peculiar how one word can cascade so many different, yet similar, meanings and explanations.
So what is the true definition?
You either define it yourself, based off your knowledge.
Or you let THEM define it for you.
Neither is the wrong way.
Neither is right.

Today, I grew an obsession.
Her name is Sara Pedigo. And she lives in Florida.
I am so....lost in her work right now, I can't properly describe it.
For now, I will leave a few comments, but mainly let the work speak for itself.

This painting caught my eye initially.
"She likes painting stripes too!"
But looking further into her work (,
I stumbled upon what she calls "The Tiny-Smalls":

First of all,
Palette knife.
I'm 88% sure these paintings are 2x3 inches! How adorable they must be in person. In her blog, she has a picture of them lined up on top of a larger painting.
If you wanna be a real creep like me, go to her blog and go to the entry from May 18, 2011. There are much more than just three of these little guys.
Earth tones.

So....when can we be friends?

Sunday, March 9, 2014


It can be accidental or purposeful,
Deep rooted or meaningless,
Inspired by or made for,
Or nothing.

Abstraction is what YOU define it as.
It's what you see through the color, shape, texture, line work, splatter, smear, flow...
The whole picture.

So be creative
And imagine a lot.
Find your own meaning,
Whether it be simply explained
Or intricately woven.

These aren't for a new show
Or to impress possible clientele.
These are for me.

This month, I am finding myself.

Monday, March 3, 2014


Do you ever see an image or read an artist statement and immediately connect with the image or words?
That "yes!" is what I experienced today.
As I casually was looking through a Cheap Joes catalog, admiring all the brand new art supplies, I came across the "Artist Workshops" section. And I fell in love.
I have always admired watercolorists; I even sometimes try technics I've seen, aspiring to be as detail-oriented as those that can manipulate water.
But when I came across Ted Nuttall's artist statement, I felt a connection.
"For as long as I can remember, I have been a fascinated spectator of human behavior – the quintessential people watcher. I naturally seek the unique character in everyone I encounter. "
Yes! He knows exactly how I feel! And yet, his paintings express it in a completely different manner than mine.
But isn't that the beauty of it all?
Simply titled: She was waiting for someone

My next relatable artist was Cathy Taylor. She peaked my interest with her mixed media collages.
"Her water media artwork is a celebration of the patterns, textures, and color found in the natural environment."
I've always been drawn to earth tones and natural processes, especially textures that emphasize nature.
She also did some beautiful pieces with old books. What a visually pleasing site!
Here's her mixed media piece.
This one I just love. It's called "Grandma's Attic."

Unfortunately, the other watercolorists that inspired me enough to research them online were more for commercial profit, showing available prices of artwork on their websites. Not my forte.

Regardless, I feel exuberant!
I think I'll go paint for a few hours.