Why is it so bad to stumble?
Sometimes a scrape on the knee can be a good thing.
It's humorous, almost always with me.
Tells a story if it bruises or scars.
And is a reminder of a moment in time.
I thrive on reminders
And memories.
A stumble is just a rockier path to moving forward.
A stumble can also lead you to things you normally wouldn't have noticed,
If indeed, you did not stumble upon them.
Today I stumbled onto an artist.
I was researching Christine D'Epiro Abbott.
I love her work.
It reminds me so much of mine
And what I hope to acquire.
Especially after my last blog entry;
She connects flatness with fluidity.
More representational.
Linear, bright interiors.
And my favorite, her collages.
While drooling over her images online, I happened upon an artist named Benjamin Cohen.
From London,
Which I always admire, being British and all.
His work immediately reminded me of Jenny Saville,
One of my favorite modern painters.
Same color, speed, and gory associations.
But my favorites
Are his compilations of people.
Sterile, earthy colors.
This is what I am about.
One more.
I think this is my favorite of the day.
I want this painting.
So today's stumbling
Has been inspiring.