Monday, June 30, 2014

You Said, I Said

You say indecisive, I say proactive.
You say greedy, I say daring.
You say irresponsible, I say imaginative.
You say worries, I say opportunities.
You say lost, I say new direction.

Leaving my job was my decision to make.
You may shake your head and tighten your mouth into a thin line in response.
But I see this as an opportunity to not only grow.
But to explore those ideas and hopes I had for my future,
Before I knew how to spell my last name,
And before I could successfully parallel park.
Before I got tied down to a retail job.
I don't expect you to approve,
Or to even understand.
I just want you to open your mind,
And have faith in me.
That I might find a better way,
To live how I want to live.
And for now,
I want to live through my art.
So just sit back,
And enjoy the colors.