Monday, March 11, 2013

Feel Good

It's interesting how something so unexpected can inspire you.
A pair of balloons, floating together towards the clouds.
The shape of a shadow on the sidewalk.
The mind is a vessel. The mind is complicated, complex, intricate.
Yes, yes, we've heard all that.
But at what point do we believe it?
People say "words have the power to change a nation," but honestly I think it's the minds of the listeners.
We control our minds. We control our actions. We have nothing else to blame that on.

I was inspired today, in several ways.
I aspired to clean my room. I was motivated to decorate my living room with my paintings.
I desired to bake brownies and watch a new movie.
The Giant Mechanical Man it was called.
It was not at all as I expected it to be.
It was relatable, to my current place in life, my current mindset, my current outlook.
It was the constant struggle to live that most people in this lifetime forget about.
To live a full life instead of just to live through it.
There are people out there who desire a meaning. There are others that just know that "ordinary" isn't for them. People may view them as weird, strange, odd.
But I think those are the most interesting people of all.
They have the best conversations, the best ideas, and most often, the best dance moves.

As crappy as this picture quality is, I think the message and the music most accurately sum up the preface of this wonderful movie.

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