Thursday, July 17, 2014

Earth Songs

Neil Anderson is flowing down the same wave that I am.
His description for how his paintings are made:
"After the initial drawing, the emerging colors, textures and shapes are all improvised."
Maybe he feels the same pull to "art" that I do.
Or at least similarly.
Here's some of my favorites:
He is one of Bridgette Mayer Gallery's artists.
I've been to this Philly-based gallery before.
I thought,
"Some of these paintings are truly silly."
But then again,
You find that quite often in a city like Philly.

I'm going to let Neil Anderson influence my daily draw for today.
He has an amazing color palette.

Here's one of my favorite stories in his biography:
"One of the joys in making a small painting is the memory it provokes. I am reminded of an event that occurred over fifty years ago but remains real today. When I was very young and living in our apartment on the north side of Chicago, one evening I stood next to my father who was seated at a telephone table painting an illuminated letter using a small brush. The letter he painted was about an inch tall, based on an old English typeface. He was painting the letter the most brilliant blue with tiny yellow spots. He was bent over the small desk, his work barely illuminated by a small desk lamp. It was then I first imagined a future where I could aspire to make such a perfect thing."

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